Tag: relationships

There’s no universal number of the date when a person passes from one state to another. All this exists only in the head of the estimator. Popular culture gave us the idea that sex should be on the third date. However, it is an artificially created construct that doesn’t take into account the wishes of the participants in the events at all. People are different: someone needs to get to know a person well before proceeding to bed, and someone is ready for sexual exploits right away. Some Ukrainian women consider only serious relationships, others don’t make them a goal.

What Do Psychologists Think About This?

The beginning of a relationship is an important period, which often determines how they will develop in the future. The moment when the first sex happens in a couple is extremely individual. Here are some questions to help you figure out if you’re ready for sex.

  1. What do you want from this relationship with a Ukrainian woman? 

Non-binding sex, long-term union, or not yet decided? In the first case, everything is obvious: sex on the first date will cover your need. The main thing here is not to fall into the trap of your perception and be sure that you only want this. If you want a long-term relationship with brides of Ukraine, then sex is usually not the foundation on which it was originally built. This is an important addition that a couple is able to come up with by exploring each other in the course of a relationship. 

If the admirers disappear from sight after a couple of dates, it’s not because the woman is unlucky with men. Most likely, she makes the same mistakes in communication and doesn’t even realize it. Let’s find out what interferes with the development of a relationship with a successful man.

  1. Tell Platitudes That Make Men Yawn

In the modern world, a man and a woman most often get to know each other by correspondence through instant messengers. And if you are talking about how you walked with your friends, what you ate, how your head hurts, don’t wait for the development of relations. If you want to be liked, become interesting without trying to appear like that.

  1. Stick to a Man Like Sweet Chewing Gum

This happens not only at the level of body language, but the very inner state of a woman also changes. She even betrays herself verbally, saying after a couple of dates: “I miss you so much… you’re very dear to me”. By this, you literally turn on a running line on your forehead, which screams that you’re falling for him. This will only repel because the woman gave up at that moment. There’s nothing to conquer.

There are a lot of men around who use various unfortunate ways to please a girl. Not only do they not learn from mistakes, but in addition, they make these mistakes several times. In the article, we will analyze several of these delusions that men make in an attempt to attract girls.

  1. Understanding Attraction Like a Man

Women are very different from men in terms of the perception of mutual attraction. When a man sees a beautiful, young, sexy woman, he immediately feels a sexual attraction. We can say with confidence that women’s interest isn’t only about appearance. It’s evidenced by a simple fact: in a huge number of couples, an ordinary and unattractive man is accompanied by a beautiful woman. More than external beauty, a woman appreciates things that a man usually doesn’t care about. For instance, it’s crucial for her how she feels in the presence of a man. Unfortunately, you cannot learn this.

  1. Excessive Self-advertising

When talking to a woman, remember that you are not in the interview. Don’t tell her how much you earn, don’t brag about the car you arrived in, and don’t explain how many influential and famous friends you have. This makes the woman bored to death — after all, every man tells her the same thing! Women love these “predatory games”: they always want what they cannot get. If you surrender to a woman like a lamb, she instantly loses interest in you. 

A healthy relationship in a couple is built primarily on love and respect for each other. Here are specific signs of how this respect can be shown.

  1. Respect for Needs and Desires

A need is a necessity for something good for oneself; the need for external good. Anyone needs food, safety, rest, companionship, acceptance, and love. Needs are always good and natural. There’s no shame in needing support, recognition, feeling good and needed, and in being in silence and loneliness.

Needs should not be judged critically, nor should they be considered “wrong” or stupid for the other person (or for you). They are always correct! And you need to treat them with attention and care. Because of the fulfilled needs, the general satisfaction with life and the feeling of happiness are formed.