Category: 5 Scientific Facts

There’s no universal number of the date when a person passes from one state to another. All this exists only in the head of the estimator. Popular culture gave us the idea that sex should be on the third date. However, it is an artificially created construct that doesn’t take into account the wishes of the participants in the events at all. People are different: someone needs to get to know a person well before proceeding to bed, and someone is ready for sexual exploits right away. Some Ukrainian women consider only serious relationships, others don’t make them a goal.

What Do Psychologists Think About This?

The beginning of a relationship is an important period, which often determines how they will develop in the future. The moment when the first sex happens in a couple is extremely individual. Here are some questions to help you figure out if you’re ready for sex.

  1. What do you want from this relationship with a Ukrainian woman? 

Non-binding sex, long-term union, or not yet decided? In the first case, everything is obvious: sex on the first date will cover your need. The main thing here is not to fall into the trap of your perception and be sure that you only want this. If you want a long-term relationship with brides of Ukraine, then sex is usually not the foundation on which it was originally built. This is an important addition that a couple is able to come up with by exploring each other in the course of a relationship. 

This strong feeling could not be ignored not only by poets but also by scientists who managed to give it a completely understandable explanation.

  1. When Lovers Look into each Other’s Eyes, Their Heart Rate Is Synchronized

It’s the conclusion reached by researchers at the University of California at Davis. The experiment involved couples who were asked to look each other in the eyes for three minutes without looking up. Scientists have observed the heart rate of lovers and registered changes in the rhythm of the heartbeat. It turned out that the beating of the lover’s hearts is synchronized, while the hearts of women tended to adjust to the hearts of men more often than vice versa. People in a state of love simply experience an increased desire to respond to the experiences of their partners emotionally.

  1. A “Short Circuit” Occurs in the Lover’s Brain, Which Prevents Critical Assessment of the Partner

Probably, each of us can remember a couple in love who, it would seem, cannot be together in any way. However, despite the advice and protests of relatives and friends, the couple doesn’t part, even if it comes to terrible quarrels. Experts believe that the regions of the brain responsible for making rational decisions in these cases are disarmed by special chemicals that are formed as a result of this love. This way, the ability to evaluate a partner on a social basis is weakened.