Category: Communicating With a Man

If the admirers disappear from sight after a couple of dates, it’s not because the woman is unlucky with men. Most likely, she makes the same mistakes in communication and doesn’t even realize it. Let’s find out what interferes with the development of a relationship with a successful man.

  1. Tell Platitudes That Make Men Yawn

In the modern world, a man and a woman most often get to know each other by correspondence through instant messengers. And if you are talking about how you walked with your friends, what you ate, how your head hurts, don’t wait for the development of relations. If you want to be liked, become interesting without trying to appear like that.

  1. Stick to a Man Like Sweet Chewing Gum

This happens not only at the level of body language, but the very inner state of a woman also changes. She even betrays herself verbally, saying after a couple of dates: “I miss you so much… you’re very dear to me”. By this, you literally turn on a running line on your forehead, which screams that you’re falling for him. This will only repel because the woman gave up at that moment. There’s nothing to conquer.