Tag: love

If the admirers disappear from sight after a couple of dates, it’s not because the woman is unlucky with men. Most likely, she makes the same mistakes in communication and doesn’t even realize it. Let’s find out what interferes with the development of a relationship with a successful man.

  1. Tell Platitudes That Make Men Yawn

In the modern world, a man and a woman most often get to know each other by correspondence through instant messengers. And if you are talking about how you walked with your friends, what you ate, how your head hurts, don’t wait for the development of relations. If you want to be liked, become interesting without trying to appear like that.

  1. Stick to a Man Like Sweet Chewing Gum

This happens not only at the level of body language, but the very inner state of a woman also changes. She even betrays herself verbally, saying after a couple of dates: “I miss you so much… you’re very dear to me”. By this, you literally turn on a running line on your forehead, which screams that you’re falling for him. This will only repel because the woman gave up at that moment. There’s nothing to conquer.

This strong feeling could not be ignored not only by poets but also by scientists who managed to give it a completely understandable explanation.

  1. When Lovers Look into each Other’s Eyes, Their Heart Rate Is Synchronized

It’s the conclusion reached by researchers at the University of California at Davis. The experiment involved couples who were asked to look each other in the eyes for three minutes without looking up. Scientists have observed the heart rate of lovers and registered changes in the rhythm of the heartbeat. It turned out that the beating of the lover’s hearts is synchronized, while the hearts of women tended to adjust to the hearts of men more often than vice versa. People in a state of love simply experience an increased desire to respond to the experiences of their partners emotionally.

  1. A “Short Circuit” Occurs in the Lover’s Brain, Which Prevents Critical Assessment of the Partner

Probably, each of us can remember a couple in love who, it would seem, cannot be together in any way. However, despite the advice and protests of relatives and friends, the couple doesn’t part, even if it comes to terrible quarrels. Experts believe that the regions of the brain responsible for making rational decisions in these cases are disarmed by special chemicals that are formed as a result of this love. This way, the ability to evaluate a partner on a social basis is weakened.

A healthy relationship in a couple is built primarily on love and respect for each other. Here are specific signs of how this respect can be shown.

  1. Respect for Needs and Desires

A need is a necessity for something good for oneself; the need for external good. Anyone needs food, safety, rest, companionship, acceptance, and love. Needs are always good and natural. There’s no shame in needing support, recognition, feeling good and needed, and in being in silence and loneliness.

Needs should not be judged critically, nor should they be considered “wrong” or stupid for the other person (or for you). They are always correct! And you need to treat them with attention and care. Because of the fulfilled needs, the general satisfaction with life and the feeling of happiness are formed.